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  • #822

    Scooter topcase? :eusa-think:
    That topcase is bigger than the avarage scooter :shhh:

    While a necessary evil, it does fit the Multistrada much better than our classic retro CB's :)
    I do not own a car...so my bike is my only means of transportation, the CB is nice, but it lacks general practicality, wich I find in the Multi.

    CB with topcase = :puke-right:

    Multi with topcase = :clap:

    I feel much more ashamed riding my CB with that ugly (but practical) topcase than when I'm using it on the Multi.
    So, in my eyes there is nothing wrong at all with my Thundergod carrying his toolcase ;)

  • #824

    @ Riko

    You're right, a bike should for and utmost be practical all the time besides looking good. At least for the own eye, even if some accessoire will come in the way of its beauty. So, who cares if not you? That's why I modified my bikes according to my needs, no matter of what other people think of what my bikes should like. They should buy their own ones :idea: and start doing things they like. My neigbhor for example has his own visions of how my bikes would look best, but he's not even been able to have his own one. So, he better shut up.....like so many other. :roll:


  • #829

    Gesund, es gibt reichlich Wasser und Orangen.
    Bin heute auch mit der Honda durch die Stadt gedüst,
    um Dinge zu erledigen. Waren nur 2 satte Grad und so viel wie auf dein Motorrad gepackt wurde, habe ich ihm nicht zugemutet. Orangen waren auch dabei.


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